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Office Supt Schools 
Galveston May 18/67

Respectfully referred to D.J.Allen, Asst Supt School for his information,

J.T. Kirkman
1st Lieut & A.A.A.G 
Supt School 

Hd. Qrs. B.R.F & A.L. 
State of Texas
Galveston May 18/67

Respectfully returned to Lieu. J.T. Kirkman with the recommendation that the building now used be retained through the present term of school, as it has recently been repaired by the Bu. at an expense of $  though crowded is a good room. Could the money that would be required to rent the Mitchel building for one year, be given to the freedmen in building, I am confident at the opening of the fall term they would have suitable School House of their own. This would confer a permanent good while the renting would be only temporary, & very expensive to the Govt. The Freedmen have already some lumber, shingles, &c for a house, have a school committee & some money pledged. I would respectfully recommend that the Sub. Asst. Com. be instructed to encourage the freedmen to purchase a lot and build, & that he be authorized to expend $800 of necessary to complete the building. For full report, I would respectfully refer you to page 6 of my report of April 8th 1867.  

D.T. Allen
Asst Supt School
B.R.F & A.L. 

Transcription Notes:
crowded is written as ded crow