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L R 253

Office Sub-Assistant Commissioner,
Bureau of R.F. & A.L., State of Texas,
Liberty, Liberty Co., May 26", 1867.

Lt. J.T. Kirkman
26" U.S. Inft
A A A Genl & Supt of Schools.
Bu R.F. & A.L.

I have the honor to acknowledge the reception of your communication of 22" inst, authorizing me to accept Col. James Wrigley's offer, to donate a suitable lot of ground, for the  purpose of building a School-House for the use of Freedmen.

I addressed Col Wrigley a communication on the subject - per this mail I ford. for your action his reply. 

Since receiving Col Wrigley's letter, I have had a personal interview with him. His idea on the subject is simply this, that if the Bureau gives the control out of their hands, and do not put one of its officers at the head, the erecting of a building cannot succeed.