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Office Sup Asst Comr Bureau
R.F. & A.L.
Palestine Anderson Co Texas
June 5th 1867

D.T. Allen
Asst Supdt of Schools

Sir, upon the subject of Freedmen's schools I have the honour to report that the school at this place is in a flourishing condition.  That the teacher is competent and faithfull, That there are now seventy six pupils That they are making good progress nearly all have learned the alphabet.  some fifty [[strikethrough]] can read [[/strikethrough]] are spelling. Some thirty can read  Three are in Grammar, Geography & Arithmetice.  The teacher has some ten writing and all advancing better than our expectations.  The teacher wishes me to state that he must have an assistant teacher as the school is too large for one to controll

The Freedmen at Plenitude are raising money to build a School House At Beaver, Pilgrim and Tennessee Colony, arrangements are being made to procure houses for schools purposes and as soon as the crops are laid bye efforts for schools will spring up all over the country where sufficient protection is extended the Coloured-people.

The little experience I have had satisfies me that the negro is susceptible of rapid culture

Very Respectfully your Obt Serv't
John. W. Morrison
Sub Asst. Comr Bureau
R.F. & A.L.