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Office of Sub.Asst.Com. BR &c
Liberty June 2. 1867. 

Lt. J. P. Kirkman
2d U.S. Inf.

I believe I have at last succeeded in convincing the freed people of the actual necessity of Schools. I have petitions (a copy was forw'd to Hd.qrs.) to the number of Six, in the hands of Six committees circulating for subscriptions to build a Freedmans Schoolhouse in this town, by next Sunday I'll know the result & will forward same to Bu. Hd.qrs. I am in hopes to make the subscription Five hundred dollar. This, and Five hundred dollars donated by the Bureau, will erect a handsome and substantial building, one that will be a credit to the freedmen and give character & standing to the School 
I am Sir, Very Resp. 
(Sg'd) A.H. Mayer
Sub asst Com