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the Bureau would furnish a like amount to erect a school building on the lot. I had subscription lists gotten up (a copy enclosed) & gave to a dozen or more freedmen to obtain subscriptions, up to the time the [[?worm]] made its appearance, one hundred dollars was subscribed, after that I called in the subscription papers from the fact the freedmen had nothing to pay with.

The only way I see that they can be assisted is for the Bureau to put up a building for school purposes.

Very Resp'y &c.
(Sgd) A.H. Mayer 

[[8 columned table]]
Name of Teacher | Paid by Bureau | Location of School No of pupils Day | No of pupils Night | No of pupils Sunday | Remarks

Geo. V. Young | Yes | Liberty |  |  |  | Yellow fever has created a perfect panic in this School
Mrs. Geo V. Young | Yes | Liberty |  |  |  | Yellow fever has created a perfect panic in this School
Mrs. Laura E. Worsham | Yes | Island Settlement Grand Cane Liberty Co. | 11 | 16 | 15 |