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than any other town in the region.

Outside of the town there are no settlements nearer than Caney bottoms, twenty miles distant. Some three or four schools are reported as needed there, all about the same distance from this place. The best information I can get is that they could not be sustained without a Bureau Officer and troops, and then Lady Teachers could not go there with any comfort.

This is an important County and should not be overlooked, but is a question whether the means & forces now at command could not be used to greater advantage in more important points. By paying Miss French ten or fifteen dollars a month & instructing her to teach a free school or nearly so would meet the wants of the place quite well although the Col'd people would hardly be satisfied with the arrangement. 

I have no means to advance in repairing or purchasing & can [[strikethrough]] hardly [[/strikethrough]] do nothing without ready means. I therefore report these facts and await farther instructions. and in the meantime will do what I can for the col'd people here.

I am Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
David Peebles
Missionary Teacher -