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Indianola Texas Feb. 11th 1867

E.M. Wheelock Esq:
Supt. Schools Bureau R.F.A.L.
State of Texas

Dear Sir,

Your instructions to proceed to Indianola were duly received and were at once obeyed. I arrived here on thursday last and at once commenced a search for a building suitable for a School Room. I can find but one room in the place that is at all suitable and that will only answer for a temporary purpose. It is but 18x20 ft and will not accommodate one half of those who ought to be in school. Seats &c will have to be made for it. Rent $25.00 per month, currency, in advance. 

The room formerly occupied for a Freedmens School is now used for a white school. The Meth- Church has also a school taught in at & could not probably be procured for a Freedmen's school if there was none. 

There is a Presbyterian Church for sale at Old Town three miles north. I examined it carefully & found it would answer our purpose well if it was here but the Elders to whom it was deeded are dead or out of the Country & the title is in the Presbytery and it would require an order from their body to sell it and [[strikethrough]] they [[/strikethrough]] it does not meet for some months. and besides that the people of the place lay claim to it & would resist

Transcription Notes:
E.M. Wheelock as per list of Texas personnel