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At Austin I was to open a free school if a room could be obtained. I expected to make use of a building in the possession of the Bureau and told both Mr. Wheelock and yourself so: but found on examination that the building was not fitted for the purpose and could not be altered. Therefore I rented out this building (which brings 20 Doll coin per month) and hired the "Christian" Church which was altogether better adapted for a school besides being in a better location.

I supposed that I was acting in accordance with the spirit of my instructions, and reported my action, but have never received any official approval of it. Can you get it done?

Mrs. Porter's School Report for January was forwarded by me, and her Report for February will be sent to the Officer at Austin to be forwarded

I think a good school can be established here if a building can be obtained. (The Mayor will give a lot to build on. I will write more particularly in regard to school matters in a few days

Very respectfully
Your obt. Servt.
Byron Porter
Sub Asst. Comr
Bu. of R.F. and A.L.