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Some Freedmen within my acquaintance could not be benefited by the schools now established for them -- Some Preachers, mechanics etc. are desirous of pursuing special studies; to what extent they might pursue such special studies is of course unknown --
The Freedmen's School in Palestine is, I understand, doing well. The Freedmen in this vicinity have bought a house and will have their school in operation shortly --
All seems quiet in our vicinity The Killing of old man Milam last week in Palestine by a soldier was a sad affair.
A Negro was Killed in Larissa Cherokee County last week perhaps, and the report comes to us that the Commander at Tyler has threatened to burn the Town and a circuit of five miles around" if the murderer is not produced in a short time -- 
I came South in 1843 was a Union man from the first. Kept out of the war at the risk of my neck and have lost nearly all