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Harrisburg Feby 25th

Call a meeting in the Freedmens School Room. Wm Reynolds teacher We the undersigned Parents of the Children attending the said school payed the following resolutions

Resolved. That as Wm Reynolds went to great expense and trouble that we should have a school in this town and that as he has given entire satisfaction to us in sparring no pains to instruct our children.

Resolved that it is our desire and wishes that he be retained in this town as teacher to our children

Resolved that in consideration of having done his duty we the parents of the children attending his school beg that the provisions of circular No 2. (schedule of fear for tuition with the monthly pay) be extended to his school
Resolved. that as a mark of the respect and estimation that we bear toward him. that a copy of there Revolutions be sent to the supt of education. & one to be kept by the school. 

Saml Makey secy
N. Chapnan  M Jackson
G. Broderick  C Wilkes
F. Gay  N Thomas
S Crutchfield
L Carter
H Caloway
S Banton
T Hogan
S Pointer