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to teach in the Freedman church.  This school had been in operation but one day when I visited the place. The teacher's name is B. A. Davis & he has some 21 pupils. Passing good abilities he could build up a large school if he possessed the right principles. The whole affair is a matter of [[?]]. Mr. Noel built the church to make money out of it. Mr. Davis will keep a Freedman's school to make money. He says the black race will never amount to anything & all his teaching will be useless. Mr. Sloan is almost superannuated & is teaching about 1/4 of a mile from this school of Mr. Davis.  The two schools ought to be brought together & one good school established. I shall try & effect this as soon as I can get the time.

I have been so pressed with business of different kinds during the past month, that I have failed to give the attention to the Freedmen's Schools which they [[deserve?]] & may require at my hands.

Very Respectfully,
Your Obt Serv't,
J.L. Randall,
Sub Asst Comr B.R.F. &c

Transcription Notes:
Very faint and difficult to read. Best attempt made. superanuated — obsolete, out of date