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December 18, 1926

My dear Mr. Ginn,

When I had the pleasure of seeing you last year when you came to look at out "Gombaut et Macee" tapestry, you told me of your interest for modern French paintings.

We are now having at our galleries an exhibition which includes some very fine examples, and I thought of writing you quite specifically, because among others there are three pictures which I think might interest you.

There is a beautiful MONET of his best period, 1890, from the famous "Series of the Haystacks". MONET died only a few days ago, and I believe that as in the near future his works should go up tremendously, I call this picture to your attention.

There is also in this exhibition, a very fine SISLEY which has attracted a great deal of attention here and was very much appreciated at the opening day by the Art Critics.

The other picture I want to mention to you is a very great CEZANNE. Mr. de Hauke who brought this exhibition over, considers it as the finest picture by this Master ever brought to America. It is a beautiful landscape with a very remarkable effect of water. This picture has also created in New York a great deal of interest.

Should you wish to receive photographs of any of these pictures, will you kindly let me know and I shall be very pleased to be agreeable to you.