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May 6, 1953

Dear Mr. Goldwater:

As a faithful subscriber to the [[underline]] Magazine of Art, [[/underline]] I would like to express to you my deep regret that its publication has had to be discontinued.

I carefully read the last editorial - the Valedictory - and I find it perturbing to think that so interesting and so carefully planned a magazine could not find a wide enough a public throughout this great country. Be this as it may, I realise how heartbreaking a decision this must have been for you.

I would also like to take advantage of these lines to thank you for the enjoyment I derived for so many years from reading your magazine to which you gave so freely of your time and efforts.

With personal regards, I am 

Sincerely yours,

Germain Seligman

Robert Goldwater, esq.
22 East 60th Street
New York 21, New York

[[right margin]] GOLDWATER, R. 
[[/right margin]]