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April 25th, 1974

Dear Julius;

Many thanks for your nice letter of April 21st. I can well understand your reasoning as to your preferring the LEFEVRE portrait to the TIEPOLO painting.

As I recall that attractive Museum, I can well imagine the TIEPOLO, as lovely as it is, would be a bit lost there. The handsome woman portrait by LEFEVRE would no doubt hold its own, and the price you will admit, renders it especially tempting. 

As to the documentation I forwarded, please do not have it on your mind, and just drop it by in May when you plan to visit New York, and I hope I shall have the pleasure of seeing you then.

As to the party, a very small one in fact, which we have organised for the 27th, is to meet Miss Jennifer Montagu of the Courtauld-Warburg Institute, whom you most probably know.

Ethlyne and I will both be very disappointed and will miss not having Pim and your company.

With kind thoughts,


Germain Seligman

Professor Julius Held
81 Monument Avenue
Vermont 05201

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