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81 Monument Avenue
Old Bennington, Vt. 05201

April 21, 1974

Dear Germain:

Many thanks for sending me the elaborate pamphlets along with the photos; I am impressed by the work that goes into such a presentation.
My opinion, which I have communicated to Governor Ferré is that of the two I would consider seriously only the Lefèvre. This is not a matter of price so much as one of size. In our museum, the Tiepolo, though surely a very fine picture, would simply disappear. Since there is no way in which intimate spatial units can be created in the completely inflexible structure designed by Stone, we have great difficulties with small pictures.
The Lefèvre, by contrast, has more the size that will hold its own. It is true, we are rather rich in works of the Neo-classic period, but this may still add an element not presented before, and I have written in this sense to the Governor.
Unless you ask me differently, I shall return the material to you some time in May since I plan to visit New York during that month. Maybe I will have the pleasure of seeing you then.
Pim will probably stay in Puerto Rico until the very end of April and hence will, I fear, not be able to come to your party. I am sure we both will miss a very nice opportunity. (Is this a special occasion that you celebrate on the 27th?)
