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April 16th, 1974

Dear Julius;

Ever so many thanks for your nice lines of April 10th. Though you certainly know how reluctant I am to send photographs, for they are generally misleading, I will make an exception for you and you will thus find prints of the two paintings which held the Governor's attention.

In fact the pamphlets - particularly of the Tiepolo - contain a good deal of interesting data which will be more satisfactory to you. The prices play an important role I believe in the collector's decisions, hence as you will find here below:
the Lefevre portrait is $20,000
the G.B. Tiepolo is $40,000.

Infra red photographs are also available.

You write that Pim, at present in Puerto Rico, may be returning at the end of the month. If so, could she not be here for our reunion of the 27th ? would you be good enough to convey this invitation to her, and from your lines I gather we may also have the pleasure of your company.

With kind thoughts, 

Germain Seligman

Professor Julius S. Held
81 Monument Avenue
Vermont 05201

Encl: Prints, Pamphlets.