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New York N.Y.10022

April 6th, 1974

Dear Julius;

A couple of days ago I had the agreable surprise of Governor Ferré's visit. He seemed to be interested in two of the paintings I showed him and he said he would ask you to examine them. 

As there were certainly other paintings which held his attention in New York, I assume that you intend visiting our city in the not too distant future. May I ask you to be good enough to let me know the approximate date at which you contemplate this trip, for I may be leaving town for a few days, and do not wish of course to miss you.

Even if the two paintings I am referring to are not on the list the Governor has sent you, you will drop in I hope so that we may have a friendly chat. In fact, were you be be here on Saturday April 27th, Ethlyne and I hope that you will be able to join us at a very small cocktail we are giving "To meet Miss Jennifer Montagu" of London, whom you most probably know. 

It would be of course delightful if Pym were to accompany you. With kind thoughts to you both, 


Germain Seligman

Professor Julius S. Held
81 Monument Avenue
Vermont 05201