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81 Monument Avenue
Old Bennington, Vt. 05201


Dear Germain,

It is always a pleasure to hear from you - and your latest is proof that you have completely recovered and are as active as before.

As to Pittsburgh: Leon Arkus is indeed still the director and I know him well, but I am not sure that I have any influence on his buying. He is interested only in later periods (including the American schools - he bought a large Prendergast just about the time I got there - ) and has no interest in "old masters." In this, he sees eye to eye with Mrs. Scaif who is the chief trustee and financial backbone (Mellon - money). He did buy an Ingres drawing, though, and you might have some response if you call your drawings to his attention.  (You can always use my name - whatever it may be worth - which I fear is not much).