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June 8th, 1938 
Dear Mr. Hesselein: 
I just spoke to Mr. Winthrop's secretary with whom I had communicated regarding your desire to see Mr. Winthrop's collection. 

Unfortunately, I have been informed that it will be impossible to see same at the moment, as the house is being closed for the summer. As I told you the other day, I was afraid of this. 

However, I have made a memorandum for the fall and shall communicate with you then to arrange a time convenient to you and Mr. Winthrop. 

In the meantime, with my kindest personal regard to you and Mrs. Hesslein, 
Believe me to be 
Most sincerely, 

(R.H. Waegen) 

Edward J. Hesslein, Esq. 
Ritz Carlton Hotel 
Madison Avenue and 46th Street 
New York, New York