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September 4th., 1936.

Dear Mrs. Holmes: 

So many months have elapsed since I had the pleasure of seeing you that I am most anxious to know how you are. By now, I do hope that the awful experiences you went through last Winter are but a mere recollection and that you are feeling your own self again.

I really do often think of you in your beautiful park on Long Island, as active as always and interested in every wide field of human endeavor.

From the little I have heard, I understand that a great many Americans have been upset and worried about conditions in Europe, and particularly in France, but I am glad to tell you that after three months spent here, things appear for from being as gloomy as people care to depict them. In fact, I feel confident that if Mr. Leon Blum, our present Premier, continues with as firm a hand as he has shown until now in curbing the more or less extremist elements - and I don't see any reason why he shouldn't - we should be quite hopeful about the immediate future. 

Do let me hear from you - as I don't suppose that you will be coming to Europe before I sail and 
