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kept house for him & took care of Wallace & made a good home for Roy. so after her husband died Roy married her & they went to Floriday last year on a honeymoon. he bought a place up in Vermont & works carpentering summers & rests up winters. they go to a cheap place where they can live cheaper than to run their house in Vermont. Myrtie is in need of a home in her old age. she is always more cordial than Alice & always calls up & writes to me when she goes off out of the place.

Addie Ballantine goes in town to Marees now every day. if they have the will contested, as they probably will. Mrs Barry told the Ballantines she would willingly go on to testify as to her good caracter. they will probably run her down to the lowest notch & she is very modest & child like in her appearance. they were very much pleased with Mrs Barrys offer. she would be just the right one to testify. I pity Maree its a great pity he hadn't married her before he died. he had canser in his throat.  The foliage here is lovely  I never saw the autumn leaves any more beautiful. they are falling fast  ground is covered  how much longer this weather is going to last no one can tell. I went over to see Hazels new bath room Sunday. 

Transcription Notes:
Please don't use +, use &. I reopened to fix all of them. Also, no indentations are to be use. Myrtie, not Mystic. Myrtie is short for Myrtle.