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Wednes Day 20­­° above this morning

Another snow storm during the night but New Years day pleasant 30­­­­­° above this morning. & slept beautifully last night  Ma

Stoughton Dec 31st 1941
Dear Doris
We had out first snow storm Monday night just enough to cover the ground. since then the days have been cold & cloudy & the nights very beautiful & moonlight  I think we are going to have another snow storm soon.
Winter sure has begun now. I am enjoying my Xmas presents & feel that I was greatly remembered but made but few myself. I sent Sidney those glasses a little before the holiday but couldn't seem to find much for his xmas but hop he faired well just the same. I saw by the Enterprise that Maude spent the holiday with her sons wifes family & her grandchildren while Bertha Upham was down to her brothers so Maude must be keeping house at Berthas there alone with the dog. She sent us both a card. Mrs Barry met them up in Brockton & she said that she was living with Bertha Upham. well she has her. guess they get along nicely.
Myrtie all of a sudden decided she would go up to Vermont so Alice said everyone says that Percy is a great trial, he still cant keep anything on his stomach. drinks eggnog Alice called us up & told us Monday she is