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little pimple on her cheek that would not heal but kept spreading. at last they perswaded [[persuaded]] her to see a Dr & he told her to go to the hospital which she did & they said cancer & burned it out. she was in the hospital at the same time Percy was there. they think now she is rid of it but guess not. I feel awful sorry for Gladys she is a very nice person & deserving of a better fate. Alice her mother, came to spend the day with us Tuesday. Mrs Barry got dinner but in the afternoon went to play cards with the Westwood crowd, Laura entertained them at her house & they went down to Newburys to eat. then went to Lauras to play cards. Careta came over from Wellsley to meet them, they were Mrs Barrys old friends she used to know when she had money. they have always stuck by her & Ida Loud one of them, paid for Mrs Barry dinner. she is a very wealthy lady & does good with her money. she sent me a lovely plant one time when they met there at her house. she comes here & I liked her very much

Mr Bings house was all lighted up last night. so guess the woman who bought it has moved in, the house will become normal now,