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thermometer is going up to 90° this noon. we shall then probably get thunder showers afterwards or rain showers usually go around us. they say the blue hills ward of our lightning. I always thought they follow water. well I hope that we get rain. Laura Gebhardt took us to ride Tuesday over to Brockton she is good to want me to go ever  [[Farita?]] is going to be taken today to the hospital they don't know what ails her  Ma

Stoughton May 22nd 1941
Dear Doris
We are having very nice & seasonable weather no rains but cool nights and mornings my outside windows are still on. I call up Colcord to come & take them off but he is driven with work so hard that he cant come, so we called up Bill who is always ready to help us out. he is going to come Saturday afternoon to do the job. I would let them