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Who have you let in to that upper tenement at the Blake house? & do they pay their rent? we see its occupied.  Bertha Longdon said Mrs Welch has one of her maids who used to live with her & do her work, she is married now living there in the little house - caring for her - she is able to walk around since having her shock sorry she gave out. she deserves a better fate.

Stoughton May 4th, 1941

Dear Doris

We are having cold weather the winds is still in the cold quarter & blows it into the house. I havent [[haven't]] taken off any winter clothes yet & don't feel the need of it either, so you see we are freezing. while you are roasting. spring here is going on just the same, my flowers are blooming, spice bush in full bloom & lots of jonquills [[jonquils]] & tulips & narcissus & quince bush are flowering also. the trees are leaving out slowly & lilac is bedded. yours in flower. I feel that I shall have to get more oil for the heater but if we dont have that cold May Storm perhaps not.

Hazel Drake was over Saturday to pay her rent, she said she had received a very satisfactory letter from you which pleased her very much. she seems to enjoy fixing up the old place papering & painting up the different rooms, guess it was very much needed, their cat is the one who