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Stoughton April 27th 1941

Dear Doris
We are having cold weather. it seems like a cold May storm. we need all the heat we can get. everything is coming forward both trees and shrubs. the rain was a blessing in stopping so many fires. it poured last night & the night before. so now theres no danger of so many fires.

Last night we set the clocks ahead so now we are on daylight saving time. 13 states are on daylight saving time now whether we like it or not. you don't have it there glad you arent say you?

I had my lawn mower sharpned Friday so now its ready to mow the lawn. the Leonard boy will be on duty to mow it if he comes. he is a good hand but very bashful. we had our rubbish carted away yesterday they come every spring. our storm windows are still on. most of the neighbors had theirs taken off during those few warm days. but I guess during this cold storm they feel