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party. Myrtie & Percy went to the wedding. Alice was also invited but of course was'nt able to go she is much better but will never get entirely over it. her neck is stiff. her will power was what pulled her through.

I went out on the porch just now & the thermometer was up to 90° people are taking off their outside windows & putting on their screens. our windows are on & will remain so until after the May storm. we are cool with the windows down shutting out the outside heat.

We had mackerel for our dinner which tasted very good & parsnips that we had given us by Mrs Swanson, one of the Trinity church members. she sings in the choir & has taken to me. they dug them in her garden this spring very sweet & good.

Mrs Barry is going to the movies and says she will take this letter along with her to mail. which will be very good. 

hope you get it early & dont worry be glad things have turned out so the Lord knows best. I have heard from Lena & will send along her letter she is making a living & guess thats about all.  Ma.