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some time in the fall.
The Plimouth [[Plymouth]] rubber Co lost their factory we heard, our alarm 333 sound & I said its an out of town fire calling for help, their loss was a $100,000 all the fire trucks were called from the towns around Canton, but it burned to the ground about 1/2 past eight it was heard here. it must have thrown many out of work. too bad there are lots of fires, those & strikes, are very bad for people in these hard times.
Percy they say looks bad. he has lost pounds of flesh. I guess Alice keeps him at work all the time he is at home. for Myrtie says Alice dont let her do much work but Percy does it I guess instead. she never is going to be able to work again. she has hard work to walk around. a darn pity it had not affected her speech. no one would ever work for her these days.
I am glad Doris is over the measles & hope she dont catch the German measles right away. we dont hear any more about "the hold up man" we are still on anxious seats around dark. Well guess the post man will come for my letter soon. Ma