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30° above this morning
1st of April & Sunny.
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Stoughton March 31st 1941
Dear Doris
Well the month is blowing out. this is the last day & we are glad. its been rather of a disagreeable month on the whole. the radio said they had snow in New York yesterday. some rain was promised us here but we didn't get it. to day it is a cold wind but very sunny. I have done my washing & the clothes have dried on the back line in three hours time
We have had a scare in this neighborhood a hold up man comes early in the evening & rings the bell, if he can get in he says he is after money he has a handkerchief tied over the lower part of his face. he has been scared away so fat. Pete has taken his finger prints. he was called over to Sweeneys on Welch's place that new house opposite Mr Bings. they are supposed to have money. next he went over to Harold Williams house & he was at home & went to the door & when she tried to shut it he put his foot in to prevent it. then the little dog they own flew to the stranger & barked furiously

Transcription Notes:
-ly from next page added to last word at bottom.