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Stoughton March 19th 1941

Dear Doris

It is pleasant this afternoon though cold Sunday was cloudy all day. at night it began to rain and rained all night then about the middle of the day it snowed furiously and covered the bare places with snow. then it cleared while we were eating dinner the sun came out it is bright the wind cold. we were lucky to escape the blizzard they had in the west, that took so many lives. a pity Germany does'nt get some such thing they go on and nothing seems to happen but it will sooner or later they are terrible. but they are scared since this country is sending things to over England I think England will conquer eventually but it will be through us sending ammunition and things to carry on with. they display courage that one wonders at,  with all those bombs falling on there housetops.  I am glad its not over here its awful to think about say nothing of experiencing them Mrs. Cameron's daughter sings in the choir at church