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choir. she thinks she was lucky it was not tonight she had to go, as it was pleasant last night. we are to have gales of wind tonight & not pleasant to be out in.

It will be a bad night for George Lynch to come out to Alices, he usually comes at midnight after he shuts up his bowling alley. Myrtie thinks as much of his coming as the rest of the family. I wonder what the attraction is. guess no doubt he is of good disposition when they took Gladys with them to a saloon & offered her a drink that was enough for poor Gladys. she refused the drink of course & has'nt been there since. they wonder why she doesnt come there. who would think that one of Sues family would take to such people. "Not any cards were ever brought into my fathers house" The storm is still raging the wind increasing gale force. I am the only one who was fool enough to have a path, it will be blown full of snow before night but never mind. I hope it does not reach you. our windows are all steamed up with the sleet, we can hardly see out. I have just eaten my supper. Sunday the solo was sung with great success. Percy was in the choir. he by the way has got a new job & earns thirty dollars a week. he is assistant enginere of something to do with the town. they gave it to  him (town manager) recently. he is lucky to get it. Ma