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brought them home to me. he was'nt sick at all I never knew any thing for 10 days a very sick child to live. we are still having cold days the thermometer went down to 18ยบ this morning. but it warmed up & been very sunny during the day. but to night it is growing cold & bids fair to be another cold night. tomorrow my paper says warmer. the wind gets out of the NW into the west. it was cloudy all day yesterday & towards night we had a light snow but cleared so the moon shone out in the evening & during to day the sun melted all the snow that came. we hope this will be our last snow storm.

Bareta is going to get married the 10th of April they are looking for a house in Worcester to live & take Barbera with them. she is a very smart little girl can do anything. they would not know how to live without her. she makes a success of any thing she undertakes. music, housework & dressmaking. the family depend on her judgment in running the house. where Bareta throws money away Barbera is for saving it. she has a man who is going with her, but she is not old enough to marry yet, only 19 years old & with her talent for musick 'twould be a shame for her to marry. Ma