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headed for our house. she rang the bell & I invited her in. she looked at me & said guess you dont recognize me? I said no I dont, and she laughed & said "I used to be Marion Clapp" yes. I guess you look like your father she said Arthur her brother was living he lost his wife. divorced from the first one I added. she stayed an hour visiting. she also said that she tried again to call on you in the fall but you happened to be out, the day she was there. guess she is fond of driving the car. Louella she said died two years ago. she seemed very ladylike & pretty appearing. I guess she had come from home that day. there is not much Porter in her makeup & is better looking than she was as a girl has improved with age. Alice is getting along fairly well, but it will be some time before she is over the accident if ever so guess Myrtie will be there for some time yet. she sent me a birthday card so did Alice. but as Careta says we must buckle our differences & call it all right but be on own guard against making her [[strikethrough]] mad [[/strikethrough]] she lived the next house to her a long time & knows her well. Careta gave me a box of notepaper for my birthday present also a pretty card Ma