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to Lester Gay's wife & sister to Rheubin Willis brothers wife. A very nice woman they also brought me cards & presents. they wanted to celebrate my birthday because I had been so nice they said to let them come here to practice their play. they put on for the Church "The Beantown Quartette" it got one of the prizes in the 4 of July parrade. we had a nice party. Careta came that day with a present for me. that crowd would have given me a party if Pheobie Hill had been here. the same as they did last year. you see I am quite popular through Mrs Barry. it was the choir that had Laura invited. I had a lot of cards. they are all displayed on my table in the front room where I am most of the time. they are standing up with out their envelopes, as I am writing my letter on the couch here beside them very pretty wish you were here to see them.