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Stoughton February 18th 1941

Dear Doris

This is the day before my birth day my Friends celebrated it yesterday. Mrs Austin & Aunt Fannie came over from Brocton [[Brockton]] where they live & where we spent our Thanksgiving. she has Mondays off but during the week she is in Holbrook at her hair dressing shop. a very pretty & loveable woman. it was a complete surprise to me.

we had two dozen sandwitches lobster & raspberry half and half cut in half squares cupcakes they were home made. frosted in white, chocolate, & dark pink very pretty & she Audrey brought a large cake of ice cream covered with white and pink with lettering "For Mrs Holmes birth day anniversary". a rose bud, also very pretty card. they stayed about two hours & then a boy came after them about 5 O'clock. we had a nice enjoyable party. she likes old folks Aunt Fannie couldnt have a better home, she worships her. two years older than I am. she seems & looks more feeble.