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easy did'nt have much warning was laughing and joking & holding the cat. so they didnt have to care for him in a long sickness, one good thing he woke them up in the morning. had the fire all built ready for breakfast.

Well this month is more than half gone, we shall have spring before we know it but dont want another snow storm. the ground is bare only a little snow beside walls, the rain took the most of it off. its been very foggy. Alice came here Wednesday she wanted her feet fixed by Winnie, who always takes her home afterwards. she is still living in that old house of Matties in a very primative manner. burns wood & freezes to save expense no wonder she has rheumatism, living alone just suites her, she always sits down & eats a good dinner when she comes here.

The box with the pretty dress goods came yesterday, thanks for the present. I havent made up the goods you sent Christmas yet. they were very pretty I have got dresses galore now a days. my birthday is next Wednesday. I may have a party but hope not. hope your arm & shoulder are better. dont worry it takes time. christian science is good, ignore it. Ma