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Stoughton February 13th 1941

Dear Doris

This week has been mild without any very cloudy days the ground is pretty free from snow since the rain the first of the week.

Mrs Barry went down to see Alice Tuesday she was looking fine. she goes upstairs & down even out doors but thats against their wishes. but has a stiff neck due to her spineal trouble. her will power we think is meant for her recovery anything she wants to do she does it if possible. whether its against their wishes or not. Dr. Leavette the hospital doctor says, he never saw anything like it in his life, she takes it as a compliment. no one expected her to live but that will pulled her through. thats what makes her so hard to manage. she is very much dressed up with things people have given her, she was a crazy lunatic at first they thought they would have to confine her. the nurses had a terrible time