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15° above this morn

Stoughton January 29th 1941

Dear Doris

The sun is shining today for the first time since Saturday forenoon. it seems good. theres more snow to melt than we can get rid of for the rest of the winter. in all this weather Anna Lamb came up yesterday afternoon. we cheered her up which was something & thats what I also guess she came for. she does not have many places to go.

Well Alice was brought home from the hospital Sunday by George Lynch. she seembed pretty tired out and slept around all night. she was told to walk all she could so to exercise the muscles, but as she is not able to come down stairs the up stairs there is mostly occupied by lodgers. she is able to go to the bathroom & thats about all. Myrtie said "tell Aunt Lue that she may be a darn fool but she would try & see if she could stick it out." at any rate Alice was bound to come home, she could'nt boss the nurses & doctors, so as thats her nature, she had to come where she could boss to her hearts content. heaven help Myrtie