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Early Monday morn.
no snow storm yet, but cloudy. hope it goes out to sea. 20° above a light snow is [[?]] predicted cold all day.

Stoughton January 26th 1941

Dear Doris
We have got a plenty of snow now to get rid of. Thursday here was an ideal day. But the next day it was cloudy, then it began late in the afternoon to snow. it came down with a raging wind & covered the ground in no time. it snowed blew & grew cold all night. so in the morning I was up early when two little boys came to shovel paths. they made a path to the front door. then the post man came early with your letter. I was glad there was a good path for him to deliver the mail. now I had to have oil. if the order had been given the day before he would have had clear sailing. but he had to plow through snow to get to the place where he delivers it & in the back doorway, so his path was good for others to follow in afterwards. Addie said the boy she had charged her a doller