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as he always used to take her home from Halbrook. poor Bill he is having the time of his life we have cards from him often. soon he will begin his work if not all ready.

Myrtie called up yesterday morning & said Alice was coming home next Saturday. she dreads it every body tells her to stay but she is out with all the nurses & doctors there & guess they will be glad to get rid of her. but she says they dont know anything. she cant boss them around thats the reason. being a charity patient she ought to stay there. Myrtie will have to  be going up & down stairs most of the time with her bad legs, she is not fit for it. Alices mind is very badly affected, she will be a great trial if she lives. a pity she did.

I am writing so you will get the letter by Saturday. glad Sidney is better Thurston cough syrup that Pa used to keep in the store to sell would be good for him when he had those hoarse colds. lots of honey in it dont suppose its one the market now 

well take care if yourself Ma.