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Monday morning
10° above

Stoughton January 19th 1941

Dear Doris

We have had cloudy weather so long it does seem good to see the sun if only for a short time I have just hung out the clothes on the Porch where they will stay & not be blown by wind or storm.

Mrs Bruce has just been over to pay her rent she is a good soul & deserving of a better fate. she used to do Amys work every Friday, but now I suppose she is living with her mother & sister. they have been very good to her since she lost her husband

The wind has come up this afternoon & it seems to be growing colder. the weather goes from one extreme to another. thats what makes so much sickness of course it is clearing off yesterday & the day before were warm & foggey which made the snow melt. we have some snow left. Addie says the two Tomey boys Redmon and Frank are down with the grip & have a trained nurse. Mary is home from work but not sick yet she is still courting.