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that I guess is pretty much healed by this time. she is in pain most of the time. Percy is all incouraged & thinks she will be all right in a few weeks. Myrtie there to carry on they were lucky to have at the time guess they they appreciate her now if they never did before. the lawyer tells her she will get ten dollars a week for her services, she is going to give that to them so she told us. to bad. Ma 

Stoughton Jan 8th 1941 

Dear Doris 

A very cold morning 10° above the thermometer says it will warm up during the day & will be warmer tomorrow. these sudden changes are bad for everybody. in Brocton [[Brockton]] Children are unable to continue schools, there are so many having to be out with colds. not only 
children but teachers & grown ups.

Mrs Barry was talking with Mrs Tirrell over the telephone yesterday morning. her husband is in