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not hard of hearing Elizabeth Southworth took her to ride one day she pities her but she never noticed she had a new car & acted so darn selfish that it made Elizabeth provoked. guess she is horrid to Mrs Peck her housekeeper, no wonder she goes so much, she seemed a nice woman that day you took me down to Annas. 

I am sorry you are having so much trouble with your shoulder. some time it takes a long time to get over such things.

The day could'nt be nicer, the sun will melt away the snow, boys are coasting down the hill, which make it bad for autos when I was young skating was my hobby, many were the times I have swept away the snow on the ice, so to skate on the big meadows back of the houses up home. I think Lena is having a hard time in making her store business pay. [[Jimmie?]] is a true friend to her and helps her all she can, teaching she should have stuck to but she could not agree with the principle of schools.