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nicely & that she will soon be at home, then good bye to comfort & pleasure. I think she will be lucky to have as good a one to stay there & do her work as Myrtie, who gives up all her old age pention & works all the time doing her house work beside. but neither of them are thankful for anything one does for them. we had two fires during the night two barns were touched off. there must be a fire bug some where. and its to be hoped they catch him before he does any more damage.

I went to bed early last night & Mrs Williams called up to ask Mrs Barry down to her house to watch the old year out & the new year in, there were Mr & Mrs Helon & Mrs & Mr Anastasia Mr & Mrs Hickey they played cards & sang songs & had lunch at midnight & talked. she says Mr Hickey is a very intelegant man to hear talk his wife works for Susie Webster day times. they are a very devoted couple. he wants to get into some camp where he can earn a living. I think you are doing a good thing in bringing Doris up to know how to do work cooking & sewing

Transcription Notes:
** Please don't use ?+". We use ?&? in transcribing these and other letters, not +.