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any wind that may come later. 

the folks across the way are moving today. they live in the attic. the one who lost his hand, they never pay their rent but stay 'till they are fined out. their name is Dykeman he works in a hospital. Dr Faxon got him a job. but say he drinks most of the Dykemans do. Louie has high blood pressure his curculation is hindered by the the hardening of his arteries + he came near bleeding to death in bed one night it started + he was awakened by by it. they sent for the doctor + still it went on. that is what caused it hardening of the arteries. well hope your shoulder gets better. I called up the Colcords to know how Gregory stood it Mabel came to the phone I asked her if her Pa took the second death in the family hard, she said no "didnt seem to" 

Monday morn still raining.

Transcription Notes:
Repetition of the when describing his blood pressure. Should "&" be "+" since it is written in the writing.