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D.21 (Hd. Qurs 2' Sub Dist S.C.) 1868
Office Bur ReF&A.L.
Abbeville S.C. Sept 12, 1868

De Knight W.F.
"D" 328 SCSC 1868
Encloses statement relative to the shooting of Daniel Jones by Willie Crafts.
States that on the evening of the 9th Mansfield Calhoun (col'd) was locked into a store at Abbeville C.H. on a charge of theft and given over a hundred lashes by John Thomas and Thomas Quarles (white).
On the night of the 10th an attack was made by about 12 white men, unknown, on four houses occupied by freedmen and several shots fired.
Nothing has been done to discover the wrong doers.
In the cases of murders recently reported no arrests have been made although the murderers are said to be at large in the neighborhood.
Asks if there is no help or protection for the freed people.
One Enclosure
Rec'd (Aiken S.C.) Sept 16, 1868

Hd. Qurs 2" Sub Dist
Abbeville Sept 16, 1868
Respectfully forwarded to Bvt Maj H Heide, A.A.A.G. with the recommendation that His Excellency, Governor Scott, be requested to send a force of State Constables to Abbeville Co. to investigate the numerous reports of outrages which have taken place there and arrest the offenders if they can be found.
Such a condition of things as appears to exist in Abbeville Co. cannot long last without endangering the peace and security of the whole County.
William Stone
1 Lieut 45th Inf.

Copy transmitted to the Gov'r - Sep 19

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