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Office B.R.F.&A.L.
Abbeville, S.C.
September 8th, 1868

1st Lieut Wm. Stone,
Sub Asst. Comr.


Not long since Lee Russel, the Town Marshal here, wholly without justification, deliberately shot at a Colored man in the public streets, with an expressed intent to Kill him. This case was afterwards compromised before Mr. J A McCord, J. P. to whom complaint [[strikethrough]] was [[/strikethrough]] was made.

Yesterday, again, the said Lee Russel assaulted & beat another Colored man here, on his own place, who although present at a fight going on between two or three women, had nothing whatever to do with it.

For these, & similar reasons; and for the welfare and security of the Colored people here; I now have the honor to request that it be recommended to the Governor of the State that this man may, in some manner be removed from the Office which he has, by his actions & abuse of power, in my estimation proved himself wholly unfit & unworthy to hold.

Very Respectfully,
Your Obt. Servt.
W.F. De Knight, clerk

[[left margin]] been an election for a new Town Council on the 14th of this month.
W.F. De Knight
Clerk B.R. etc. [[/left margin]]