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Office B.R.F & A.L.
Abbeville, S.C.
Septbr 25th 1868

1st Lt. Urn. Stone
Sub Asst. Comr.


As an addendum to my communications of date the 20th I now have the honor to forward the enclosed Affidavit of Aaron Mitchell, one of the most intelligent, respectable and reliable freedmen in the county, which will go to show the spirit pervading the Rebel-Democratic party here, and that the assertion previously made to the effect that my life is by no means safe here, was not based wholly on an idle delusion. I may at any day be shot down by some drunken, if not by a sober scoundrel, even here in my own Office; and were this to happen, it is well that those at least who have threatened to do that deed, or been concerned in inciting to it, should be known. It has also been complained of to me that this Wyatt Aiken named in the Affidavit, in one of his public speeches declared that on the day of election not a single Republican vote shall be polled at Bordeaux in this county - statement of Urn Harsham, freedman: and Geo Spratt, another freedman, says that he and