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Legislature now sitting in Columbia, to defray the expenses they were creating, they should take their last drop of blood before they did that; and, again reverting to the aforesaid W F De Knight, that he ought to be taken out and hung" (the distance here stated not remembered) "between heaven and earth," &c.

And Deponent further sayeth, that by the use of this and other such incendiary and exciting language - which was loudly applauded by nearly all present -, Samuel Davis, and Robert Hadden, two white men, forming part of the assembly, were then and there induced to draw, each one a revolver, which he had upon his person, and express themselves to the effect, that if they were only let to it: they would go tot he door of the Office occupied by the aforementioned W F De Knight at Abbeville Court House, South Carolina, and, with the said revolvers, put six bulls into his head; and that one of the parties then going up to him, Deponent, placed his pistol on and fired four shots over his shoulder, saying he wanted to shake the Radical out of him, &c.

And Deponent still further testifies, that there was a great deal more such like language used, both by the aforesaid Aiken and others there present, tending materially to incite to violence generally, and against the hereinbefore named W. F. De Knight in particular; and it is his, Deponent's firm conviction and belief, judging from what he has himself actually