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Office B.R.F. & A.L.,
Abbeville, S.C.,
Septbr 21st, 1868.

1st Lt Wm. Stone.
Sub Asst. Comr.,


I have on several occasions in my various Reports, called particular attention to the gross failure of Mr J.S. Chipley, Justice of the Peace of this County, to execute the Law & perform his duty, where colored persons' interests are involved.

In the case of shooting of Wm Bradley, freedman, by Tyler Logan, white, last April, heretofore reported by me, although he wrote out a warrant, it may be said when forced to, he has never had it served. Being directed "to any lawful Constable," in the plea of not having one, he sent it to me, whereupon I turned it over to the Sheriff, who returned it to Chipley, since when, instead of addressing it to the Sheriff, he had taken no further action in the case.

Geo. Matthews, freedman, in the employ of Chipley, having been shot, while at work in his own field, by Irwin Hutcherson - white - his own nephew - although found on the spot by the Uncle, he was allowed to go free; and notwithstanding a warrant was subsequently got out here, & is now in the hands of the Sheriff for his arrest, he